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Forums in 'Member Forum'
  Forum Threads Posts Last Post
The Introductions
Share your story. How did you arrive at Clownspiracy? [Members Only]
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The Content
Post videos, podcasts and articles here, then we can discuss. [Members Only]
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The Studies
Some scientific studies are worth studying. Discuss them here. [Members Only]
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The Philosophers
From Arendt to Zarathustra, discuss them here. [Members Only]
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The Hierarchy Hoaxes
If it is on the original Hoax Hierarchy, discuss it here. [Members Only]
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The Other Hoaxes
Hoaxes not on the original Hoax Hierarchy go here. [Members Only]
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The Subjective Syncs
Have your own Sync story? Share it here! [Members Only]
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The Objective Syncs
If the Sync goes beyond yourself, it probably goes here. [Members Only]
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The Clown World
The times, they are a-changin'. Like it or lump it, discuss it here. [Members Only]
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The Health and Wellbeing
Diet, nutrition, fitness, mental health, all things related [Members Only]
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The Hobbies
Away from muh internets, what do you like to do? [Members Only]
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The Sportsball
For those who haven't given up their favourite circenses. [Members Only]
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The Weird and Whacky
Mandela Effect, Mud Flood, PXPY, Flat Earth, etc. [Members Only]
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The News
If a news story doesn't yet belong in a different forum, discuss it here. [Members Only]
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The Off-Topic and Rambling
If it doesn't seem to go anywhere else, it goes here. [Member Only]
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